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I am 70 years old. In 2004 I had bells palsy with left side facial droop. I had acupuncture done and my face returned back to normal. I am diabetic since the age of 50 years. I am hypertensive. I had sinus post nasal drip for the past 10 years. 3 years ago I started experiencing a burning sensation on both my feet.  I was fine until February 2016. Then during a trip to India I experienced shortness of breath after 1 week and lack of energy. I had loss of balance. This did not improve. I was admitted to a private hospital in May 2016 for 1 week. I was treated by a physician and cardiologist. An angiogram was done which showed all was clear. I was discharged and readmitted for vomiting the same day. An MRI confirmed TIA. I was in hospital for another 2 weeks where I got infected with the CRE virus. I lost 20kgs in these 3 weeks. I felt terrible and was not recovering. My doctor then recommended that I see Dr Mohanlall. My health has improved tremendously. Each day has been a new experience. I’m well energised and can now move about very comfortably. Firstly I commend Dr Mohanlall and staff for the wonderful manners and love. Most wonderful very hospitable and loving nature. Keep it up. God’s grace and blessings to you all. There is perfection already. Just continue. You have the grace.

Swami Premananda Puri

I am a 63 year old female who is diabetic from the age of 35 years. I have hypertension from 50 years old and experience reflux for the past 20 years. I use antacids and suffer from chronic constipation for the last 20 years. In May 2015 I experienced severe dyspnoea   at rest and saw a doctor at hospital who did an ECG and angiogram. The angiogram showed that I collateralized  and I was put on medication. I experienced tiredness and shortness of breath on mild to moderate exertion. I  kept seeing  doctors every six months for echo and ECG. In May 2016 I experienced severe shortness of breath and was hospitalized. During the  angiogram  the doctors had difficulty accessing the femoral arteries and they suggested a bypass surgery for me. I experienced joint pains and pains in the ankle, knees and back. I coughed a lot and had a tight chest. I slept a lot due to fatigue. Before starting ECP I had no quality of life. I could not even walk from my bedroom to the bathroom. After starting ECP I have a renewed lease of life. I feel healthier. I feel happy that I can do daily chores. I can now walk without my walking aid. External Counterpulsation treatment also helped give me an emotional motivation to live my life healthier by exercising and eating healthy .External Counterpulsation benefits are excellent. The staff is pleasant, professional and very supportive. Dr Mohanlall’s expertise impressed me. I am very thankful to Dr Mohanlall for his care and support during my treatment. Two options-for treatment-one with a guest house for accommodation and transport for patient out of Durban or a mobile satellite treatment.

Hafiza Khan

In 2008 had MI at home went to Umhlanga hospital stent inserted .Fine after that .In 2013 had 2nd MI at St Augustine hospital   angiogram and quadruple bypass .Fine since then left legs cramp and feels pins and needles. I feel more energetic and have comments from other people that I do not look tired anymore and run down as I used to look. The dark patches on the side of my eyes are also disappearing. I don’t suffer with pin and needles anymore. The staff at the centre is fantastic. They always greet me with a smile and have been courteous and friendly throughout the entire treatment .I felt very comfortable.

Mr Vishnu Moodley

I am a 60 year old male who has no background medical history. I was seen by a GP in 2015 who performed an ECG and noticed that I had ectopic heart beats (irregular heartbeats) during a routine examination. I was referred to a cardiologist. I have no family history of cardiac problems, high blood pressure or diabetes. An angiogram was performed on me in July 2015 at St Augustines hospital by a cardiologist. The results revealed triple vessels disease with arrhythmia. I was treated with medication. I managed 7 minutes using the Bruce protocol during stress testing. Feel full of energy. I do not feel stressed. Excellent customer service. Service of this nature should be rendered on Saturday. Doctor should approach air media and present this programme. This should also be for stress.

Mr Vikram Singh

I’m a 73 year old male who was fit until recently. I lost my small finger with a saw 4 years ago. I suffer from headaches daily after I was hospitalised. 1 week ago I had pains on my chest, back and I started sweating. I was taken to hospital at Ethekwani where I was stabilized with medication. I’m not on medical aid and therefore was taken to King George and was put on antithrombotic. I stayed in hospital for 6 days and was put on medication and was asked to return for a review. I started to feel chest pains last night but it subsided. Feeling very better after going throw a cause of ECP and have gained back my strength and energy. Have the best team reliable and pleasant. Perfect place to visit and talk to doctor and staff.      

Mohan Harriganesh

I am a 63 years old female who suffered from high blood pressure for 17 years and hyper cholesterol for 15 years. ECG was done in October 2015 and all was fine. I was experiencing shortness of breath on mild to moderate exertion (like walking or climbing up the stairs) and also experiencing pedal oedema during the course of the day. My feet were swelling all the time. My shoulders and knees were painful all the time. I was having difficulty losing weight.I have no swelling on my feet. I do not get tired. No shortness of breath. I lost 3kg. No more shoulder pains. My blood pressure is regulated. My knees much better now. Have more energy and feeling good Staff is helpful, knowledgeable and pleasant. Get on well with patients.

Pankajavelli Reddy

In December 2015 I had chest discomfort. I visited my GP and was transferred to Gateway Hospital. I was on IV antibiotic for 3 days. A lung function test was done on me with a pulmonologist and an echo test with a cardiologist. I had lost my sense of balance after being hospitalised. I had irregular sleep patterns and as swelling of my feet. The use of the neti pot as advised by Dr Mohanlall has assisted greatly with the post nasal drip. My sleep pattern improved slightly. I only sleep well when I’m very tired. The swelling of my feet has disappeared. My breathing has improved. I can run up hill with ease and no problem. Drop in insulin intake from 36 units to 25 units and now dropped insulin to 15 units in the morning. Excellent staff. Very dedicated to their work, not something one finds easily today. Very professional and very client friendly. Feel at ease with them. Run very professionally.

Gopie Reddy

I started experiencing chest pains from the age of 19 years. It was a sharp pain that was just there for a minute. I consulted the doctor who sent me to a physician. He did not find anything. The pains were not that severe until the age of 35. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. My chest pains became so severe that I consulted with some cardiologist I was told that it was because of stress and tension and high blood pressure. I decided to go for External Counterpulsation. I am feeling much better than before. For the first two weeks of treatment I felt some chest pains but they were not as severe as before. By the third week I did not feel any chest pains and the blood pressure came down. I can also breathe more easily compared to before. Everyone is so amazing. They always wears their smile each and every day. They are so kind hearted. They are so humble and always welcome you with a smile. They are willing to help all the time. Everything is perfect.  


I’m a 61 year old male who was diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2000 and was treated with medication since then. In 2002 I experienced chest pains and visited a GP. A cardiologist from St Augustine’s performed an ECG, Echo and an angiogram on me. I suffer with shortness of breath. I get tired when I walk upstairs and I have pain under my feet as well as pains on my neck and back. My legs also pain even while I’m walking or running. I suffer with chest pains as well as irregular heartbeats and also numbness on both my palms.  I feel much lighter I can now bend to pick up objects without any pain. My back ache has improved drastically. My face skin tone is now brighter. The pain in my neck has improved and I now can walk up the stairs easily without any problem. No more shortness of breath and chest pain.  Very efficient staff always helpful and caring.

Devarajan S Moodley

I am a 53 year old who was diagnosed with diabetes from the age of 35 years. I was put on medication. I experience sleep apnoea and was on CPAP for a long time. For the past two years I experienced shortness of breath and numbness on the left arm. In 2015 I did an ECHO and stress test and the results came back fine. Now my shortness of breath is more severe. My breathing has improved and I have more energy than before. Feeling very good and can now climb up the stair case without a problem. Walked two flights of stairs and did not get shortness Good improvement. Feeling it easy to get up from the floor. I walked up seven flights of Stairs with no problem I managed well excellent service at the centre.       

Vinay Devlall